“I’ll never visit your church again!”

Those are the words the church never wants to hear. Yet, the first few seconds in your church building often determine if guests will return—ever.

The Greeters Ministry material provides everything you need in order to develop an effective Greeters Ministry to guarantee that guests want to come back.

From: Curt Gunz
Monday, 7:18 a.m.

Dear Church Leader,

We have all seen it. Churches start a new Greeters Ministry with high hopes of making everyone who comes through the doors feel welcome. It always starts with a bang and ends with a whimper. Or worse, it limps along not really doing the job.

A bad greeter program is like a vaccination for the church. It does a little bit of good--but just enough so that the church never gets the true "fever" of making the church a loving, caring, warm community.

Cracking the Code of a Great
Greeters Ministry

Here's what you ten secrets you absolutely need to know to crack the code to a successful greeters ministry:

Cracking the Greeters Ministry CodeGreeters Ministry Secret Code #1: Visitors must have a positive first impression or they won’t be back

The first 30 to 90 seconds in your church building usually determine if a person will visit again—ever. This material shows you exactly how to make those crucial first moments the best they can be and teaches you to help guests have a positive experience the whole time they are with you.

Cracking the Greeters Ministry CodeGreeters Ministry Secret Code #2: There are proven ways to make that positive first impression

There are a few simple things you can do to make sure that guests have a positive first impression.

These steps are not difficult but most churches don’t think about them and don’t do them. This material shows you how to do those things.

Cracking the Greeters Ministry CodeGreeters Ministry Secret Code #3: To succeed, churches need complete step-by-step instructions
Greeters Ministry has everything laid out in an easy to use format. The simple instructions guarantee that you will succeed.

Cracking the Greeters Ministry CodeGreeters Ministry Secret Code #4: Your church needs proven, guaranteed methods
This program of helping visitors have a positive experience has been used in churches from coast to coast by people like you who know what is like in real churches.

Say good-bye to the days of trying to adapt and change material developed by others who don’t know your situation.

"I recommend these materials for church leaders who want their congregations to be more productive."

Dr. Howard W. Norton


Many of us are experts at what local churches “ought to do” in order to be effective, but few of us are capable of explaining “how to do” what needs to be done…Great Commission Resources has produced a series of materials that show dedicated Christians exactly how to do some of the jobs that they already know they ought to do.

I recommend these materials for church leaders who want their congregations to be more productive.

Dr. Howard W. Norton
Harding University

Cracking the Greeters Ministry CodeGreeters Ministry Secret Code #5: Your church members are so busy that the ministry must require very little outside preparation
The manual is designed so that the coordinator can use it with very little outside preparation.

Every minute of the training is laid out with clear instructions. Each aspect of the ministry is explained in detail.

Cracking the Greeters Ministry CodeGreeters Ministry Secret Code #6: Ministry leaders will work hard and smart when they are given the right training tools
One of the most exciting things about the manual is that the coordinators will have all of the training tools at their fingertips.

Because there is no need for a lot of outside preparation, this format allows the coordinators to make the best use of their time.

Cracking the Greeters Ministry CodeGreeters Ministry Secret Code #7: Leaders need a way to present a clear vision of a successful ministry easily and quickly
The manual not only presents the material for the coordinators to establish an effective Greeters Ministry, it also guides the coordinators in training the rest of the volunteers.

Complete presentation notes keyed to reproducible transparency masters provide instant access to the information needed in the ministry.

Cracking the Greeters Ministry CodeGreeters Ministry Secret Code #8: Training must be complete and efficient
You’re busy. Your members are busy. No one has time for a drawn out, boring series of classes. Your volunteers will receive all the training they need in one information-packed day.

After becoming familiar with the material, the coordinators from your congregation will be able to use the resources to train your own volunteers.

The materials from Great Commission Resources present very practical “hands on” help. They have done a great service for congregations of the Lord’s church that want to grow and retain their members.

—Joe Talbot
Senior Member, Board of Trustees of
Abilene Christian University

Cracking the Greeters Ministry CodeGreeters Ministry Secret Code #9: Leaders must have a complete resource
No one has time to try to track down dozens of resources. This material has all you need to know and do to get up and running in a matter of days. You will not need any other resources.

Cracking the Greeters Ministry CodeGreeters Ministry Secret Code #10: For a ministry to keep going--long term-- it must be easy to use
This easy-to-use, step-by-step program will teach you the principles of an effective Greeters Ministry. It allows you to train your people to make your guests feel welcome.

Dr. Don Vinzant

"Easy to understand and straight forward"

Great Commission Resources is producing high-quality materials to meet real-life congregational needs. Easy to understand and straight forward, you will be pleased with the work [Great Commission Resources] is offering.

Dr. Don Vinzant
Oklahoma Christian University


Easy to use
This easy-to-use, step-by-step program will teach you the principles of an effective Greeters Ministry. It allows you to train your people to make guests feel welcome at your church.

You will have everything you need to begin and maintain an effective Greeters Ministry in your congregation. Each item you need to succeed is included.

Step-by-step instructions
Everything you need to do and say is provided in an easy to use format. We have eliminated the guesswork so you will have tested and proven methods that are in use in Churches of Christ from coast to coast.

After going through the Greeters Ministry resource, you will:
Learn all you need to know to have an effective Greeters Ministry.
Have all of your volunteers trained and active.

Most of all, your guests will have a favorable impression which will make them want to return. They will be more receptive to the Gospel.

Greeters Ministry



The Greeters Ministry resource is guaranteed in two ways.

First, you will be satisfied with the product.

Second, this program will lead you to an effective and ongoing Greeters Ministry or you pay nothing

You want to be a good steward of your congregation’s resources. We want you to be. If this material does not meet your needs we want you to have your investment back so that you can use it in an area that will expand the Kingdom. That’s why we guarantee that you will be satisfied and the program will work. No gimmicks. No tricks. No fine print. You can’t lose.


"Greeters Ministry" is guaranteed in two ways:

  • 1st You will be satisfied with the product…
  • 2nd You will have an effective and ongoing Greeters Ministry…

or return the material and never pay a dime.


My pledge to you

I know that if you've been in church work for any length of time you've probably been burned by people who make big promises and then don't deliver. That's why I've taken the time to be as accurate and as detailed in this letter as I can be. I want you to know exactly who we are and what you can expect from us.

I also offer these five promises:

1. No fat, no filler

From Page One we get right down to business. We make sure every page counts.

2. No hype

We won't be showing you things that 'might' work or 'should' work. Everything in the "Greeters Ministry" material has been tested and proven effective on at least hundreds, and sometimes many thousands, of churches. These are the actual techniques that successful churches use to build and expand their own church's ministry. And as the many churches using the "Greeters Ministry" material will tell you, we delivered on our promise of providing a complete A to Z system.

3. No Bait-and-Switch

The"Greeters Ministry" material is NOT sell-a-rama. You don't have to buy 'something else' to get the benefits of the program. It is NOT a lead-in to a more expensive deal that you have to have in order to succeed. The material stands on its own, and as so many churches have shown, the "Greeters Ministry" material contains everything you need to set your ministry on fire.

4. Real access to proven strategies

How many seminars have you been to where the 'genius' spouts wisdom, but does not know what it is like to work day after day with real churches in the trenches...to try to recruit and train volunteers...to make sure everyone is doing their job...all the while trying to keep up with hundreds of other ministry needs?

I don't like that and you probably don't either. The "Greeters Ministry" material works because it is based on real ministry.

5. Tested principles, not current fads

Everybody's always talking about the church growth fad.

The "Greeters Ministry" material is not a mega-church ministry leftover.

If you're looking for a 'fad' from a big name with an attitude to lecture you about all the "compelling", "illuminating", "extraordinary", and "provocative" ways other churches are better than you are, we're not the guys you want. We're about you growing your ministry.

"Every congregation that is serious about the Great Commission should seek out this material"

Dr. Royce Money


When it comes to getting the job of evangelism and church growth done, I have come to appreciate material that has come out of years of successful ministry. Every congregation that is serious about the Great Commission should seek out this material and other good resources produced by Great Commission Resources.

Dr. Royce Money
Abilene Christian University


So what's the catch?

Right about now, you might be asking yourself: If this is so great, why isn't everyone doing it? There's got to be a catch somewhere. There is a catch, in fact there are three.

First of all, anyone can do this. But only a few churches are doing the things it takes to have a great Greeters Ministry. (Think of the last few churches you visited)..

Second, in order for this to work, there are a few ground rules:

#1. You must be willing to use the whole "Greeters Ministry" program (not just pick and choose what you like) and
#2. You must be 'serious as death' set on doing what it takes to reach out to guests from your community through a greeters ministry

Those are two pretty basic requests, but if they're a problem for you, best not order because you will be frustrated.

Third, this is a business like any other. We're charging a fee for the "Greeters Ministry" material, a fee we feel is well in line with the value you'll receive. So we're not giving the "Greeters Ministry" material away. But we also feel that if we charge money for this material, we had better deliver -- and we do. Just ask the hundreds of growing churches who use the "Greeters Ministry" marital.

By Now, I'll Bet You Are "Worrying"
About The Price ...

Most people guess we're into the $300.00 to $500.00 price range. Fortunately, we are not. We have sold hundreds of copies for $49.95.

But, right now, we have a special, limited time Internet only offer. If you want instant access to this material at the lowest price ever you can get it.

When you order you will instantly receive a link to digital download of the entire Greeters Ministry material in Adobe Acrobat PDF file format.

No waiting for the mailman or the UPS driver because the Greeters Ministry material is a PDF file that you can view right on your computer screen and this valuable, get-it-done now information will pour out of your printer anytime…every time…you need it.

The price for everything included with the "Greeters Ministry" material under the terms of a special, limited time Internet only offer, is only $39.95.

There's Even A Remarkably Generous

Your first Guarantee: Examine everything, use what you wish, and, if for any reason or even no reason, you want a full refund, you'll get your money back immediately. NO questions asked. You do not need a "my dog ate my homework story." No one will ask you any questions at all. No hassle. No "fine print." Simple and straightforward; you are thrilled with what you get in the "Greeters Ministry " material or you get a full refund. And, incidentally, I'm devoted to the goal of only having satisfied customers. If you're not going to profit from having the material, I really would prefer to buy it back.

Your SECOND Guarantee: You will have an effective and ongoing greeters ministry, or I'll buy it back. You are investing in ministry not just buying another book. A great Greeters Ministry in YOUR church or you get your money back.


More Information

May God bless your church,

Curt Gunz

P.S. Remember, you can get this guaranteed material instantly at the lowest price we have ever offered.

More Information

Vous n'avez pas rêvé : c'est bien ce qui est proposé en ligne à http://churchministryworld.com/gm/greeters.htm !